Team Merrill – Living Abroad in Italy

The Adventures of Team Merrill in Naples, Italy


Rolling your R’s

I am now on Pimsleur’s Italian 1 Audio lesson 8 and can not believe how many words in italian require multiple rolling of the tongue or rolling your R’s.  I luckily had Spanish in high school and remember physically practicing this act over and over until I got it.  But it still feels unnatural.  I’m wondering if my kids will get this talent by just listening to others of if I’ll have to practice it with them.  I listen to a cd every day on the drive to work and I literally arrive to work tongue tied.   For those of you who are less than talented at rolling your r’s, here a few tips from Wiki.   Continue reading

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Reading up on what to expect

So I’ve started looking on Craigslist for wardrobe standing closets and kitchen islands and my husband thinks I’m crazy.  After all we won’t be moving for months!  However, the more prepared I feel, the less my stress level is.  Don’t get me wrong, we are super excited for the move, but I tend to wake up at night and not be able to sleep because of all these things going on in my head.

One of the things I just started reading about is cultural differences.  People keep laughing that my kids will return to the states either as mobsters or as little casanovas.  Funny, but what really are the differences…  Continue reading

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The anticipation of driving in Italy

I remember how overwhelming driving in Japan was…the constant reminding to keep left!  And then when we returned to the states it was amazing how WIDE and big the roads were.  Driving in Italy sounds like it will be more bumpy and dangerous.  I just read this post and it scares the beejeesus out of me!

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We are moving to Italy!

After much anticipation, nerves, excitement and stress, we received news today that our next military station will be Naples, Italy.  As much as we love San Diego, our home, our friends and the community here, we can’t pass up this opportunity to live abroad for 2 years.  We’ve lived in Japan, but otherwise have hunkered down in San Diego.

I never thought I’d be married to a military guy, and love/hate parts of his job. Every 18 months, we have to go through an emotional roller coaster of where he’s going next.  Even though we always want San Diego and can’t think of moving anywhere else, a tour in Italy was too good to be true.  Our kids are school age, but will return to the states before they hit middle school.  It’s only 2 years and yet it’s 2 years!  As we’ve done this in the past (moving to Japan), I know there are some significant logistically challenges upcoming. Right now, I don’t want to think about those as I’m still basking in the moment of excitement.

If I seem unfocused, it’s because I can’t stop reading about others who are stationed in Italy and what it’s like.  It will NOT be like our tour in Japan where it’s clean and safe.  We will have challenges with water and air pollution, crime and dirtiness.  Living in Italy sounds very romantic, but I am trying to prepare myself for reality there.  I do think that lessons learned by our children will be priceless, but not without challenges.

For now, we wait and try to spend as much time with our friends and family as we can over the next few months until we start our Italian Adventure.